Saturday, June 20, 2009

GOOP-there it is!

so, after a night of intense deep conditioning, i woke up with hair that was less than satisfactory. after all the moisture, the oils, the protein i ( thought i ) put into it... i still felt as if something was missing. so the following day i made a trip to the local beauty supply & bought this conditioner which was super cheap.


the title is what caught my attention. i'm one of those people who thinks anything with shea butter in it has to be good LOL. so i bought it. the next cowash i did came out superb and i think i owe it all to this product. it was cheap, genrally had good ingrediants and i also liked the consistancey (not too thick or greasy,not too watery).

my only problem with this is that it contained "lanolin", but i don't think i'll stop usage. from now on i'll do all my ingrediant checking instore & not be so damn absent minded.

-champagne wishes

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

the ODD couple.

I never would have thought I'd see these two dating. NEVER. The picture is very interesting to say the least. Their height difference is laughable but the stick that is her leg scares me. I'm going to rule the skintyness this one time and hope that the reason she 'appears' to be so thin is because of this pose. So guys this is the first Picture Of The Day. How do you feel about it?

-caviar dreams

Thursday, June 11, 2009



its rare to see us without a manicure. summer approaching not only means sun dresses and platform sandals, but we tend to get a little more eccentric with the nail art. my blues are brighter and my greens are more neon. add some art to it and its perfection. here is a tutorial that i'm dying to try. if only i can get my hands to stop doing the harlem shake! LOL

-champagne wishes

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

a girl can dream... right?

Never before has a shoe had such an effect on me. Never have I wished I was capable of walking (fiercely) in heels. Until now. I can't begin to describe my reaction to Gucci Iman Triple Strap Sandal from Spring 2009. This 4 1/2 inch show stopper is yours for $1275.00. Though these shoes have been in my dreams for months, I'm not sure if I'm ready to hand Gucci my rent money just yet. This would be the perfect opportunity to pull out my 'Will Work For Shoes' top.

-caviar dreams

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

movers & shakers.

I want you to know me and Brittney are really ...neither. Friday nights for us mean changing nail polish, watching movies or brainstorming on new ways to expand our business; not stealing some party scene or hooking up with male models (like we dream of). On the quest for all things fabulous we decided that a blog would not only help document our journey, but engage audiences who are on a similar expedition. Our lives might seem mundane and uneventful however we will try to make sure that all the physical characteristics aren’t. Enjoy =)

-champagne wishes