Saturday, September 19, 2009


i've been drooling over this polish for about a week now. i can deal w/ the $4 price tag but I'm iffy about the $6 shipping.

LA Girl Flare - Disco Brites "Hustle" $4

--Champagne Wishes

Friday, September 18, 2009

ello gov'na

Lately I’ve found myself completely obsessed with the British flag.

nails,solange fashion fashion fashion


So during the spring, I longed for the bangs I had last summer. The jet back eighteen inches of hair I had swinging behind as I bounced from pool party to BBQ. As you can see, me and that weave had some good times haha. I have this theory that heavy bangs made me look chic and polished. So when July came, I spent my last bit money on a pack of sixteen inch extensions and a stylist. I loved the finished. The bangs did the perfect job of framing my face and I got tons of compliments on my sleek do. What I didn’t count on was one of the hottest summers in California history (I could be exaggerating). I was constantly sweating under my bangs which caused some major breakouts and that sweat would also tangle my tresses so I was constantly flat ironing… which mad me even more HOT. Soon as august came I found myself wanting to sport a cut ala Alek Wek as opposed to the Beyonce. So, I still love the style, just not when its 108 degrees. I learned the hard way.

meagan,bangs,hair,celebrities celebrities,beyonce,bangs,hair celebrities,rihanna,hair,bangs solange,bangs,hair

--Champagne Wishes

GOLD member


I’ve noticed a certain trend among beauty products lately, gold. For some reason I’ve always had the desire to glow. Before you called me weird, let me explain. When you see celebrities on the red carpet in dazzling strapless couture gowns, you (or at least I am) in total awe of the bronzed blemish free complexions. So I went straight to Wal-Mart recently and picked up a body wash suggested by Kim Kardashian (Caress Evenly Gorgeous Exfoliating Body Wash) herself and the sparkly gold Olay Tone Enriching Ribbons that the commercial has teased me with fifty thousand times (give or take). Though the caress made me smell like brown sugar and even exfoliated some dead skin cells I still didn’t notice a difference in my skin tone even after using it a week. So bored with it, I moved on to the Olay. Smells great, made my skin silky soft, but still no Beyonce glow. So I wonder if I just shouldn’t expect instant results, these products don’t work on black people or they’re just lackluster (pun? Yes). What do you guys think? Should I just be happy with the results or give it another shot?

Olay Tone Enriching Ribbons $6.99

Caress Evenly Gorgeous Exfoliating Body Wash $6.99

--Champagne Wishes

who gone check me BOO?

Long time no post. I will be the first to admit I have neglected my blogging duties. No excuse. During my absence I have gotten a new, sampled some new products and bought a ton off new clothes. All in effort to maintain my fabulousness (ok, I’m pushing it). But I’m going to let the posting begin.

can you find waldo? lol

--champagne wishes